Try 1: I go in with my slip. My driver's license address doesn't match the mailing address. Without being told what to do to get my package, I am dismissed as the clerk waves me away with her hand and calls the next customer up.
Try 2: I immediately get back in line and show my military ID with my driver's license. It works with cops, it'll work here, right? At the very least, the lady will tell me what to do to get my fucking box. The clerk sees me at the front of the line again and rolls her eyes, and when I come up and show her my military ID, she tells me I'm acting like this is my first time picking up registered mail. Well, yes, it is. What the fuck do I need to get my box? I need an ID that has the mailing address that matches the mailing address of the package. Ok, so I have to go to the Secretary of State and come back the next day.
Try 3: I go in again, in uniform, this time with my driver's license address matching my current address. It's a new clerk. I figure, one federal employee to another, no problems, right? Wrong, I need TWO pieces of ID that match the mailing address, like the utility bill or a mortgage payment. Jesus fuck. Ok.
Try 4: I come back in with my water bill, and my driver's license. Again, a different clerk who takes the pick-up slip and hands me my box without ever asking to see any proof of ID. Holy dogshit.
Now I see why these fucks are $8.5 billion in the hole. I know I won't be mailing anything through these retards anytime soon. I'd rather pay $3 to drop my envelopes in a FedEx box than give my money to such an incompetent group of rude assholes.